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In intercultural encounters you can observe that the variance of culture can cause big misunderstanding disappointments and a so called culture shocks.

One of the results of intercultural encounters/communication is stereotyping. Stereotypes which have their source partly in prejudice are also often caused by fear, carefulness, impression, a start column for an approach etc. Prejudice is even if we try to reject or deny this character trait an inherent natural reflex in the most of us. Most probably it is impossible to just delete it out of our minds or from our behavior but I think we can reduce it to a minimum. But we at the same time we should be aware that somehow this trait in us is also useful in different situations. Hearing about french people that they are already indirectly judged with a term like “Paris Syndrome” is not what is meant here. If a human being uses stereotyping as a sort of “help” in orientation, she/he should also be able and open to modify – the reverse way – her/his judgement into – not stereotype any more – as soon as she/he had a positive encounter with those ones and not consider that as an exception of the rule! Stereotypes are used everywhere for instance on TV or in Magazines. Sometimes also in use to defend certain person or groups (see Pettigrew’s view of out-groups and in-groups). If a member of a minority does a bad thing or a mistake it will be projected right away on the whole group/minority. If the same thing is performed by a member of an in-group/majority it is attributed to the context and the circumstances etc. what slightly reminds of the assume of people in discussions: the louder you are the more right you are. Which we actually all know is incorrect like that. We might have to work on it.

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