Individual Design
The Minihostel 12 Monkeys is one of the smallest and most charming Hostels in Berlin with its 12 beds. Our concept’s concentration on two Dorms made it possible to give each room a time taking lovely art deco style. The Minihostel 12Monkeys is feeded with retro modern elements, industrial look design and typical berlinish DIY furnitures.
Groups & Loners
Heart of Berlin
Wolfs & Vampires
Charming hostel in Berlin!
Dorms for backpackers, groups and everybody!

People who have trusted us so far
Reviews from Airbnb

Wanna stop by in a very unique hostel?

Minihostel 12 Monkeys
Waitzstraße 23, 10629 Berlin

Call 0049-1786268772
Contact us !
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