+ 49 178 6268772 info@12monkeys.berlin

We’re are a young, creative hostel

Our History


Our Birth

All started in May 2015 with a simple statement looking out of the car window: “This place is free for years. You know actually one could just write down the number and call them tomorrow to rent it…You know what, Im gonna do that!” And I left the car to write down the phone number. These sentences were the beginning of the minihostel 12Monkeys. In the End of 2015 I got the investment for my business plan and the confirmation from the building owner for the project of creating one of the smallest hostels of germany. Everthing started well.

From exhaustion to happiness!

Silence before storm would describe that year best. It started with no difficulties and then all of a sudden everything went wrong. Workers, Ingenieurs and Procurement. And when we thought that we finally managed the paper work on the 1st of August 2016 the construction period of 4 months gave birth to a new understanding of mental exhaustion. In the end it was done. In November 2016 it was done, the baby came into life. The Minihostel 12 Monkeys was now ready to accomodate people.

From a dream to reality

After the struggle during the choice of the most efficient and useful booking software the understanding of how it works properly was the last time taking thing. The mass amount of details and work – one could primarily not know – of such a business modell finally still could not prevent the dream of our little lovely Minihostel 12Monkeys coming true…

We proudly are happy to welcome you and any Tom Dick and Harry – the butcher, the baker and the candlestick-maker!

Book now!

Facts and figures


Positive feedback

Distance to public transport

Average cost per bed

Drunken cups of coffee

Our Team










Marketing/Business Developement

Our Clients




Business Traveller

Group of friends


Movie Scene Agencies


everybody 😉

Minihostel 12 Monkeys

Waitzstraße 23, 10629 Berlin

Call 0049-1786268772

Contact us !

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