+ 49 178 6268772 info@12monkeys.berlin


How do I cancel my booking?
If you wish to cancel your booking you must contact the property directly using the contact details on our booking site. Please remember to quote your booking reference in any correspondence with the property.

In the event of a cancellation the booking fee and deposit are non-refundable. You must give at least 24 hours cancellation notice to the property to avoid a no-show charge. The no-show charge is the total of your accommodation cost and will be charged to your credit card if you do not notify the hostel in time.


What's your cancellation and refund policy?
Until 14 days before your arrival we charge a 10% fee of the total sum. In case of cancelling between the last 14 days before your arrival we charge 100% of the total sum.
Can I change my booking?
You should contact the property directly to request an amendment to your reservation. Please quote your booking reference number in any correspondence with the property. If you’ve chosen to pay for your booking when you arrive, you can amend it by getting in touch with the hostel directly. If you paid for your booking in advance, it’s non-refundable and cannot be cancelled but can be ammended.


Can I still book if I don't have a credit card?
We offer several payment methods. See the list of methods we accept.


Can I pay for my room using cash?
Yes, you can pay cash at check in.


I haven't received a confirmation. What should I do?
Don’t worry, just get in touch with the hostel directly and give them your full name and date of arrival.


Can I do a group booking?
Yes, but bear in mind we only have 12 beds. Thats means if you are a group of 12 or less it fits perfectly to you. In that case, you can do the booking or if you need help just contact us.


Can under 18s stay in the hostel?
Yes, but if an adult is not present then you must present a completed parental consent form along with a valid copy of the signing parent’s ID in order to stay in one of our dorms. In addtition to that guests under 18 can only stay in our dorms if they are part of a group that has booked out the entire dorm room and each member has the required documentation outlined above.
What time is check-in and check-out?
Check in is at 2pm. Check out is latest at 11am, unless something else is arranged with the reception upfront.


Can you gain access to the hostel at night?
Yes, you will be introduced how it works when you check in.


How can I contact the hostel?
Through our web page contact form or our phone number which you also can find on the webpage.
How much does late check out cost?
Nothing. But we wish to clear it up with us uprfront.
How do I get to the hostel from the airport/train station/bus station?
Straight by Bus109 from Berlin Airport Tegel to Adenauer Platz where you get out of the Bus and take 3minutes walk.

From Berlin Airport Schönefeld you should take the S –Bahn from Schönefeld to S-Bhf Ostkreuz where you have to change to take the S-Bahn until S-Bhf Charlottenburg. From there its a 3 minutes walk as well.

Are there hair dryers?
Are towels supplied in all rooms?
Towels can be rented for a small charge.
Do your hostels accept pets?
We love pets, but they cannot enter the hostel ;(
Can I get something delivered to the hostel?
Yes, please contact us before.
Is all bed linen supplied?
Yes, the first set of bed linen is included. A second set – if needed –  can be rented for a small charge.
Can I bring guests in who aren't staying in the hostel?
Yes, but it depends on how crowded the Minihostel is at that moment and he/she needs to show his/her ID. Please talk to us before.
Do you have any laundry facilities?
Not here in the hostel, but there are possibilites around. We can help you! Ask us!
Do you have any lockers and how much do they cost to use?
Yes, we do have minilockers right next to your bed where you can for instance put your smartphone (plug-in inside the minihlocker) or your wallet etc. They do not cost anything.
Can I buy a travel adaptor?
Not here, but we can help you. Ask us!
How much does breakfast cost?
We have a small variety of breakfast options in our breakfast. Prices start from 4,50 €  to 6.50€.
Do you have a kitchen to cook my own meal?
We don’t have traditional guest kitchens. But we have a microwave and a boiler. Addtionally we have a cafe-bar in the hostel so you’re never left hungry.
Do you serve lunch and dinner?
Not here, but there are several restaurants around the corner you can find delicious food.
Can I invite people who aren't staying into the cafe-bar?
Yes, but it depends on the situation in the hostel. Please talk to us upront.
Can I bring my own food and drink into the hostel?
You can bring food from outside into the hostel, but bringing alkohol from outside is only allowed in arrangements like booking the whole 12 Beds. You need to talk to us upfront.
Can I pre-book my meal?
We are looking forward to make this possible through our website but if this is still not available, please contact us.
Do you have job opportunities?
Please check our current positions on our jobs listings.
Does the minihostel 12Monkeys offer accommodation/work schemes?
It depends on the season. But you can contact us to find it out.
How can I get in contact with your company?
Through the contact form on the webpage or through our phone number which is also on our webpage.
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