+ 49 178 6268772 info@12monkeys.berlin

Minihostel 12Monkeys Berlin

 12 beds – 12 travellers – 12 dreams


Prepare your Drink in our lovely kitchen!

Individual Design

The Minihostel 12 Monkeys is one of the smallest and most charming Hostels in Berlin with its 12 beds. Our concept’s concentration on two Dorms made it possible to give each room a time taking lovely art deco style. The Minihostel 12Monkeys is feeded with retro modern elements, industrial look design and typical berlinish DIY furnitures.

Groups & Loners

Our Hostel in Berlin offers both an ideal place to stay for groups up to 12 people and single travellers. Small enough to be booked completely. And small enough to have a comfortable night without disturbance.

Heart of Berlin

The Minihostel 12 Monkeys is located in the heart of the City-West, close to the popular Kurfürstendamm and with direct bus connection from airport Tegel. Numerous shopping and gastro opportunites in the immediate vicinity facilitate the coverage of the daily needs.

Wolfs & Vampires

Wheater you are a wolf who loves to get around in the early morning or a night loving Vamp you always have acces to the Minihostel 24hours a day. Even if you have to check out at an extraordinary time you just can do it by doing self check out.

Charming hostel in Berlin!

Dorms for backpackers, groups and everybody!

People who have trusted us so far

Reviews from Airbnb

Wanna stop by in a very unique hostel?

Minihostel 12 Monkeys

Waitzstraße 23, 10629 Berlin

Call 0049-1786268772

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